Hanging out at the Resort

Our normal plan on these trips is to soak up everything we can. So we spend the whole time running from one activity to the next, as you may never be back here. But this year, we decided that we’d do very little and hang around the resort and just chill.

Was this the right decision.?

Looking back I wonder whether we should have gotten out, but it sure was nice to just lounge by the pool, read a book, and take in all the resort had to offer.

Some photos from around the resort –

Lots of suspension bridges joining the different areas of the resort.
Looking up at the chapel … I’d like to say I ran up those stairs
Our pool – well, it was very close to our room and by mid afternoon the building would provide shade and you could just sit in the water drinking cocktails delivered to you
Taking a canal ride from lunch back to the resort.
Entrance to one of the resort restaurants – can’t see this meeting standards at home.  Don’t worry, the water is only 3 metres deep here.

The resort included entry into a number of themed parks each with a different focus and energy level. We only went to the Xcaret park which had a bit of everything from history, local wildlife, and a cave swim. The other parks include – water parks, sensory parks, and adventure parks.

My monkey friends who kept coming up to say hello.

Our last night, we went to the Xcaret Mexico Espectaculat show exploring the history, music, and culture of the regions of Mexico.

It was a great show and highly recommended.!

Sport like hockey but with a ball on fire. The other sport they demonstrated was hitting a ball with your hips into a hoop.
Spanish invasion and ultimate merging of cultures.

And 6 am the next morning, we were on our way to the airport and flying to the UK to visit our grandson (and his parents) for a couple of weeks.

So I am unlikely to have many/any posts for the rest of the trip as we’ll be busy having grand parent time…

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