Camping with the Folks

Camping at Shoalhaven Heads with my parents was a great chance to just hang out. However it wasn’t all smooth sailing with us holding our tent up on Saturday night.! Literally holding it up so it wouldn’t come down on top of us as it buckled under the force of gale force winds and driving rain. The joys of camping.!

Easter Camping by the Murray

With the disappointment of not getting away on the bike in March we were able to get away over Easter for some time under canvas (well nylon). A recommendation from a riding friend suggested a small village on the Victorian side of the Murray River, Tintaldra. That was enough of a recommendation for me and they had space. Done.

And That’s a Wrap

It’s hard to believe after all the planning and preparation for this trip and how quickly the trip is over.! It’s just over three weeks since we rolled out of our driveway in Canberra and now we’re back home. In total over the three weeks we traveled over 7,070km, staying at over 13 locations, travelling…

Time to Turn Back?

What are we doing.! As the sun was setting the temperature had dropped to 5 degrees. Is it too late to change our minds and head back to the warm..?? It now really feels like we are on our last leg of our trip as these are roads we have done often. From the Sunshine…

The Long Haul

The word for this leg is “roadworks”. I have never seen so much roadworks … just as you get back up to highway speeds you hit the next lot of roadworks. 100 – 80 – 60 – 40 – 60 – 80 – 100 – 80 – 60 – 40 – stop – go –…

Sights of Townsville

It’s hard to believe that it’s nearly two weeks since we left home and in that time we’ve been on the go quite a bit. So today was much more relaxed, and other than a ride around town to check out Townsville we stayed close to the tent and took it easy. Ideally it would…

Where Dinosaurs Trod

Day 7 – Longreach to Winton Today was all about dinosaurs and a recent (ish) discovery of dinosaur bones by a farmer on his property over 20 years ago. What has spawned from this seems to be the dinosaur capital of Australia. This morning was an earlier morning as we wanted to leave by 8:30…

Going to Smiley town

Day 5 – Charleville to Longreach Today we had over 500km to get to Longreach and like clock work we rolled out of our campsite at 9am. Our first stop was Augathella which for Australians over 50 is the town where the kid (Didy ‘Smiley’ Creevey) that the character “Smiley” was based on. 2008 was…

Heading to the Red Lizard

Day 3 – Bourke to Charleville We are getting into the rhythm of pitching and packing up our setup. I was worried that the bigger tent was going to be a hassle, especially for the overnight stops, but it really hasn’t. And the benefit of the bigger tent far out weighs the disadvantages. Setting off…